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The places we live and spend our time can be hugely valuable to our sense of identity and past. There are many different ways of protecting buildings, recognising their significance and recording the events that took place there.

Is your building important to people all over the country?

Is your building important to people in your local area?

Here are some other routes available to protect historic, and culturally significant buildings:

If your building is in bad condition, you can go to the Heritage Trust Network’s website for more guidance, or Historic England’s Heritage at Risk page:

Connect With Your Heritage

How to use this digital toolkit:

1. On the start page of the toolkit there are pictures of lots of different types of heritage. Click on the one that feels closest to the heritage you would like to celebrate.

2. Once you have clicked on your type of heritage, the page will describe this kind of heritage and include some pictures. If you think this is not the right type of heritage click the go home button to return to your options. 

3. Read through the page. At the bottom there will be some links to other pages or other websites to help you celebrate your heritage. Either follow these to another website or to another page in the toolkit which will give you more information. 

You can always ask your facilitator to help if you are struggling.